Wednesday, December 5, 2012


There is pain inside me. A pain which I always carry. Every time I see you, I get this pain. Every word you say, even though it was not intended for me, I get pain. THIS IS LIFE. I hurt you before, now it's your turn to hurt me. I will have to wait. Wait 'till it stops. :(

Thursday, November 15, 2012

A Not-So-Secret Affair

Seven o'clock to five o'clock is our school schedule during Wednesdays. But hey, first day of the second semester and our professors were not interested to meet us. Oh, no, one professor showed up and just checked our papers then that's it! So at 11 o'clock our whole schedule was done. "Now what?" was the question that ran through our heads. Instead of going home, some of my friends and I opted to watch a movie entitled "A Secret Affair", and yeah! --- from its title you'd know that it's about an affair. Though I was not in the mood to watch, because of severeeeee headache, I came 'cause it will make my friends "tampo to the nth level" if I won't, and of course I don't want to feel so out-of-place when they talk about the movie. Duh?! :)

Tahdah! Here it is. I must admit that I watched it mainly because I saw the movie trailer on television and Rafi's (Anne Curtis) lines are so "palong-palo!" Talk about bitchiness with extra class.

  • "Bakit hindi ka mag-kape girl. Next time you get a triple shot para kabahan ka naman. Alam mo kung sa'n masarap mag-kape? Sa burol mo."
  • After slapping Sam (Andi Eigenmann) "Ang sakit ha? Ang tigas talaga ng mukha mo!"
  • “Ano bang tingin mo sa mga lalaki? Bulate? May pa-early bird promo, early bird catches the worm?”

"And that's all I can remember." :)

After the movie, I went straight home. And BTW, I got sick the day after that. Pssshhh! :)

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Is it?

Is this a sign that I should just give you up? I am not stupid. I know it. I know what just happened. And hey, I was hurt. You can tell me to stop doing something if you do not like it. Here I am, patiently waiting. I am waiting even though you did not tell me to. It's my fault, I know! I keep my hopes up. And with that, I'll stop right here. From this moment on, you will hear nothing from me. And no, I don't feel "bitter". It's just how it is. I want to forget everything. So that when I face you, I can be that bright lady again.

This'll be my last post about you. Whether I keep my feelings or not, no one will know.

Tuesday, October 23, 2012


Can you tell me, how can one miss what she never had?How could I reminisce when there is no past?How could I have memories of being happy with you, boy?Can someone tell me how can this be?

How could my mind pull up incidentsRecall dates and times that never happened?How could we celebrate love that’s too lateAnd how could I really mean the words I’m about to say?

I miss the times that we almost sharedI miss the love that was almost thereI miss the times that we used to kissAt least in my dreams just let me take my time and reminisce

I miss the times that we never hadWhat happened to us, we were almost thereWhoever said it's impossible to missWhen you never had, never almost had you.
For you. 'Coz I never really had you, and yet, here I am......Waiting on my own. ------

Saturday, October 20, 2012

Hi Baby!

It's my facebook cover photo ---- TOP in the house y'all. :)
Got this photo from somewhere. He looks absolutely stunning in this photo so I decided to make it my cover photo, with a little text on the left side, "Hi Baby! *kiss mark!*" Hahahaha. I'm a fan of him, and his group BIG BANG. They are going to have their concert this October. Too bad, I do not have enough money to come and watch! Grrrr. I need xx,000 pesos! I do not have boyfie so I think it's okay if I post something like this! :)

Monday, October 15, 2012

I Should Never

I should never visit your facebook wall again.
I should never look at you again.
I should never dream of you again.
I should never love you again.
Because every time I do, I only feel the pain. </3

Thursday, October 11, 2012


'Coz I am waiting on my own

Do you ever think about me?
Do you ever cry yourself to sleep?
In the middle of the night when you're awake,
are you calling out my name?
Do you ever reminisce?
I can't believe I'm acting like this.
I know it's crazy. How I still can feel your kiss.

It's been ___ months, ___ days, ___ hours, since you went away.
I miss you so much and I don't know what to say.
I should be over you, but it's just not the case.
It's been six months, eight days, twelve hours, since you went away.

Do you ever ask about me?
Do your friends still tell you what to do?
Every time the phone rings, do you wish it was me calling you? Do you still feel the same?
Or has time put out the flame. I miss you. Is everything okay?

Those in bold are words I want to say (to you, of course!). But I just can't. :(
I wish I have the guts to say it.
------ <3


credits to the owner
Today probably is the worst day in my entire existence. (Okay! That's exaggeration.) No, but seriously, it is one of the worst. I made a huge mistake which made one of my mentor to lose trust in me. I made a name, a good name. A good reputation, and all of it vanished into thin air. This mistake will probably leave a deep scar, not only in my heart but also in my head. This may change the way my life turns. But that's how it is. It's a consequence of what I did. Whatever the consequence will be, I will keep it, and learn from it. But I am still hoping that it will not be as bad as I imagine. Now, I believe in the Filipino saying: "Nasa huli ang pag-si-sisi." 

To everyone who had been hurt: The word "sorry" is not enough, but I still want to apologize for all the aches that my action did to all of you.

To that mentor: I am ashamed of what I did. I was careless. Whatever your decision may be, I will take it as a good experience. An experience which taught me a lot, an experience that will help me to become a better person in the future. I do not promise this, but I want to tell you that I will not do anything like that again, not only to you, but also to my future and present mentors. I am sorry! :(

'Till here! :( </3

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Power of Stress

Twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week is just not enough. Not enough to finish all things that should be done. Feasibility Study, Operations Management documentary, Plight research, movie making, tons of quizzes, reports etc. *deep breaths* These are all tasks given to us by our professors.

FEASIBILITY STUDY. Others would do thesis but not Management Accounting students. We do FS or feasibility study. As we are in business section, we create new and innovative products to sell in the market. After which, we try to do research about the product. Two hundred pages of work should be done in such a short time. The most difficult part of the feasibility study is the financial chapter. One wrong type in your numbers might cause you a liter of blood, and an ocean of tears. *Hell yeah!* I gave two liters of blood, and bucketful of tears. Misunderstandings and arguments aroused during the "making" of this paper. But I am happy that I was able to express my feelings, and able to confront other people about what happened. They may hate the way I acted, but that's just how it is.

Overnight @ Laura's Pad
my groupmates

After series of arguments and drama, we were able to pass the oral defense. Yay! :)

Come to think of it! Because of this paper, I found out who my friends are. I found out who will leave me hanging in the bridge and who will not. Even though it stressed me a lot, I am still thankful. Thankful that I was able to find a gold in a trash. Hihihihi.

Friday, September 7, 2012

One talented rapper

Ryu Hwayoung. April 22,1993
A pretty face with a pretty voice.

I don't know but I really like her voice. She's a former member of a Korean girl group. Now, she's on hiatus. Her face really resembles Park Shin Hye's. <3  Here's rap she's working on. :)

Saturday, September 1, 2012


Our graduation pictorial was held last August 24, 2012. While I was suffering from German measles, the class president told me that we were scheduled to have the pictorial that day. Left with no choice, I decided to have the pictorial. I talked to the editor. I asked her if she can edit the measles on my arms and legs. She said she can do it, and not to worry because the lighting will lessen the measles that I have on the picture. We were standing outside the room for two hours. When my name was called I felt glad that it will soon be finished. I wasn't really in the mood, because I was running a fever. Make-up and hairdo then the outfit. The dressing room annoyed me because it was small. Ten girls were inside. I cannot even move an arm because of the space. We had five outfits to wear: the black gown (toga), casual attire, corporate attire, Filipiniana, and the creative outfit. I do not want to reminisce how bothersome the changing of outfits were. So here are some pictures from the said pictorial.

Black toga. With yellow accent.
The color of my college.
Filipiniana attire. Red for love and pain that I experienced
during my years in college.
My casual attire. It's blue on blue. (Aqua)
'Coz I love the sea. :)
This outfit is big on me. My corporate attire.
For my creative shot, I chose the cowgirl outfit.

So there. The unofficial photos from graduation. :)

Last of August

I want to let you go. But each time I try, my heart is breaking into pieces.
Marry someone quickly. So I'd know that there's really no hope between you and I.
I know it's my greed. But I'm sorry. Seems like I cannot forget you even if you get married.
Do not think about me. I won't let you see me shed a tear. I wish I was born earlier.
If I was, will you look at me? If I was, will you love me? If I was, will you take me seriously?
You and I should have met sooner. I will always stare at you from afar, and hope that you're doing well.
I will bid my farewell. Because this is the last of August.

Tuesday, August 28, 2012


I'm so scared. I have never been this scared in my 19 years of existence. But one thing's for sure, God won't let me down. God will always be by my side. He knows what to do. I put my faith in Him. <3

Monday, August 13, 2012

Sweet Tooth

A sinful thing it may be. But I just can't resist sweets. My family (paternal) has diabetes history. Which is why my mom would always tell me and my brother to back off from sweets. A little will do, but not too much. But what is too much really? Hahaha. Anyway, I always have this sweet tooth. Whenever I feel lonely or sad, a piece of chocolate can cheer me up. A lollipop can brighten my day. A sip of my favorite smoothie can take all my stress away.

Christmas is my favorite season. Not only because we are celebrating Jesus's birthday, and my dad's birthday. But also, these lollipops can be seen EVERYWHERE! From supermarkets to streets down to the darkest alleys of our town. Hahaha. Which makes me a happy kiddo. I literally bought fifty pieces of these when I was in high school. And finished them all in forty-eight hours. Gawd!

Pink cotton candies with lots of powdered milk? Oh God, I can't resist. During sportsfest, in the university I am attending, lots of food can be seen. But I only have my eyes on the cotton candy cart. I ate hundred pesos worth of these, which made me ill the next day. Eating so much cotton candy hurt my throat. Thus, I wasn't able to attend and enjoy the whole celebration of our fest.

So, as I was saying, a smoothie can take all your stress away. I love berries, be it raspberries, strawberries, blueberries, or cranberries. But since I live in a hot country, it's hard to find these type of berries. If someone goes abroad or out-of-town, where these berries are available, I would threaten them to buy me fresh ones.  Hahaha, kidding! A famous fastfood chain sells smoothies and they're available in strawberry-banana-yogurt flavor! It's fine if I don't get to eat a good meal, as long as I have a smoothie on the side, my meal is COMPLETE!

Drooling while typing. Hahaha :)
And last, but definitely not the least: CHOCOLATES. My parents, who worked overseas, always have chocolates in their packages. That is why I am a chubby woman. I ate so much sweets that it made me chubby. LOL! Cadbury Chocettes and Mars are my fave. I also eat other brands of chocolates but I prefer these two. One time, I was on a "tantrum mode" when my bestfriend gave me chocolates. My tantrums quickly faded away! Hahaha. My bestfriend knows what to do with me!

It's the middle of the night, and I am drooling as I type words. Looks like my purse will cry tomorrow! If you know what I mean! :) I don't know what to update my blog with, so I decided to just update random things about myself. :)


Thursday, August 9, 2012

Getting Tired

I am not this girl. I never get tired of things. Even if I did, I always look on the brighter side saying, "Ah, I will reap what I sow." Though I get tired of something, I know that later on in life it will benefit me. I study and work at the same time, but I never complain about it.
But something's wrong with me. Right now! As I am typing word after word, I feel tired. Not the usual tiredness. But tiredness of life. I feel like there is something missing and I can't seem to find it. And I am hating myself for feeling this way because I know I shouldn't feel like this. I am blessed with everything and I do not have the slightest right to feel tired.
Maybe I am focusing so much on one side of my life to the point that I forget that there is another side. That other side seems to be shrinking that's why I feel empty. I try to focus on other things but seems like I cannot. Sigh!

That day

There really is a day when I feel really lonely. Craziest part is, I don't even know why I am lonely. WEIRDO! What now? Hmmmm.. :(

Monday, August 6, 2012

Love Wisely

Even with love, be wise!

So I was watching a Korean reality show last night. A K-pop artist that I like is reading a book, and her roommate asked her what is she reading. She said it is a book about loving wisely. She then narrated what she read so far. The show ran for about 25 minutes with her just talking about the book. A phrase she said caught my attention, "It is easy to love with your heart, but it will be very hard to love with your brain." Which I think is true. People, not all but in general, use their hearts in love. Rarely you see people who use their brains to love. First off, it is not the heart which causes ourselves to love, it is actually the brain. A hormone-producing gland in our brain called hypothalamus is the one responsible for the feelings that we feel for an opposite sex. Technically speaking it is wrong to say "I love you with all my heart." instead people should say "I love you with all my hypothalamus." 

Things were enumerated by my favorite artist. But I will just give tongue to one. Imagine the overall standards of your husband. Give examples of a good and a bad husband. Simple right? Now, you don't have to list down hundreds of things you like or you don't like, or you want or you don't want.

Example of a good husband:

  • He is well-mannered and has positive values.
  • He is someone who is willing to give in his all to fulfill his dreams.
  • He is pro-active but conserved at the same time.
  • He is like a friend who listens and approaches you all the time.
  • He is sincere and is grateful about everything.
  • He values family, and puts God in the center of his life.
Example of a bad husband:

  • He is ill-mannered and has negative values.
  • He lacks confidence.
  • He does not value his family. (I don't want to live with someone who doesn't love his family. I love my family so much, that is why I think he should also value and love his.)
  • He has no GOD. (No God means no life.)
There may still be things that you want to add, it is up to you.

I know the person who I want to be with the rest of my life is on the good side. I know he is. I know you are!

Thursday, August 2, 2012

Let's get high

BUNGEE JUMPING. Woohoo! I would be on top of the world if I ever experienced bungee jumping. I so want to try bungee jumping. I am an adventurous type of girl. I love things like jumping off a thousand feet tower. My friends get cold feet whenever we have topics like this. I would say,  "Oh! I want to try bungee jumping." Then they would be like, "WTF! Go by yourself!" Things like that. Majority of my friends are acrophobic. They do not like high places. Once, we were from a friend's birthday party. And because we went home a little late we had to detour a little bit. The road that we took was a little scary. We had to passed by drunk men, and dark alleys. We also passed by a bridge beside NLEX (North Luzon Expressway). I do not know how to explain the feeling that I had at that time. The bridge was really scary because it was rusty. I was afraid that if I stomp on the bridge too strong the bridge will fall off. It was pretty high and the river was beneath it. My friends were all scared at that time. I was too, but not because of the heights, it's because of the rusty bridge. So much for the story. Let's get into business, shall we?

The very famous Macau Tower
If I'm not mistaken this is where America's Next Top Model shot one of the challenges where models must pose with the harness on and stuffs. Jumping from a thousand-feet-tall tower won't make me a scared stiff. I imagine myself falling from that tower. It's like releasing every anger in me. All the pain. All the sorrow. It would be great if we jump together. Of course, I am not trying to kill myself. Duh! I have never heard of someone dying because of bungee jumping.

How I wish I can go there right now with you. I miss you. xo


Saturday, July 21, 2012


Photo grabbed from Google
Heavy rain poured this morning. Thus, classes were suspended. I was really disappointed. I prepared well for my accounting test. I stayed up late to review my notes, and woke up very early to review again. I ate my breakfast, took a bath, and changed into my uniform. I was already in the vehicle, probably two kilometers away from home, when a friend called me saying: "Classes are suspended. Next week na daw exam sa accounting!" Though many of my blockmates were happy, I was not. And so, I just went to a bookstore to buy my brother's needs for his project. I went home looking really sad. How could this happen? I almost forgot that I have "rain powers", but I wasn't able to use it today. Sigh! 

**Rain powers - my ability to tell the rain to stop or pour. Hahaha. Kuh-razzzyyyy me!**
Sadness overload.
(PS: That's my brother on the mirror. He's eating my snacks.)

Good news is, I'll have one more week to review my notes. Which will increase the chance of me getting a flat oneHahahaha! Bad news is, I may not have the same motivation as today. I still have to review for my other MAJOR tests. Oh, headache! A very loooong vacation this week, Friday, Saturday, Sunday and Monday. Who made our schedule? Trust me, even I do not know. So long, bye~


Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Beaches I love

Here are some of the ideal honeymoon places I want to go to. Wedding might be six to eight years from now, but still, I want to write it down here so I won't forget. kkkk

Bali, Indonesia
We got married's famous couple, Jo Kwon and Ga In, went here for their honeymoon. They shoot for a magazine here as well. It is a nice place. The weather is hotter than the Philippines. The white sand and the sea is what I loved the most. Imagine how lovely the sunset would be.

Jeju Island, South Korea
Another famous couple from WGM, Kim HyunJoong and HwangBo, went here for their honeymoon. Again, I love the white sand and the beach. The food is also mouthwatering. There are places like Teddy Bear Museum, which I love to visit the first day 'cause of my fondness of teddy bears, Volcano Fountain Show inside the Lotte Hotel, Submarine Tour, and a lot more. Many Korean shows or dramas feature Jeju Island, which made me so obsessed with Jeju Island!

And again, a couple from WGM, Nichkhun Horvejkul and Victoria Song, went here for their honeymoon. I love the sea. I am a mermaid who cannot swim. (Hahahaha!) Its scenic view is what I admire the most. Likewise, it also has blue-green sea, white sand, and a clear blue sky. The weather is the same in the PH. They have cocktails, and soiree.

Bora-Bora Island
Bora Bora is an island in French Polynesia. Do not fret, this time it's not another WGM couple who went here. I do not know someone who had been here. I just saw BBI while searching for tourist destinations on the internet. It caught my attention since it has the sea, the white sand, and the nice weather.

I am excited to explore the shores of these places. I am a person who loves the sea, though I cannot swim well. I love how God made these places. It's so beautiful, I might not want to go back home when I go there.

Note: We got married is a famous Korean reality variety show. The show pairs up Korean celebrities to show what life would be like if they were married. Couples are assigned missions to complete, with candid interviews of the participants to reveal their thoughts and feelings. (wikipedia)

Thursday, July 12, 2012

Tokyo Japan

Tokyo Tower
Another Eiffel-Tower-like in Tokyo, Japan. My mom, who worked in Japan for many years, already saw this tower's alluring beauty. Mom said that it is made of steel, and it was really beautiful, especially at night. I have to add this on my list of places I want to visit.

The orange horizon is very pretty, right? I wonder how the moon looks like up there. I think it'll feel like you can reach the moon. You'll feel like you can hug the moon up there. How fascinating!

I'll go at the top of this tower, and scream your name. Forever you will be! <3

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

City of Lights: Paris, France

The Eiffel Tower's lights complement the moon's brilliance. <3
Who doesn't want to go to Paris? NO ONE, right?

As for me, it's more than going there. I want to go with you. Let's explore Paris together. Only with you I can be happy.
Can we wear these while walking? How lovely of a couple we'll be! <3

I so want to go there with you, my love. How are you doing? xo


Sunday, July 8, 2012

You were hurt

"You were hurt, not because you still love him. But because you saw him with other woman.

You were hurt not because of that woman, but because it pains you that he's moved on.

You were hurt not because you cannot move on, but because you're still waiting for one person, who you do not know his exact feelings for you.

You were hurt not because you are tired of waiting, but because the person you love does not pay attention to you."
- A friend to a friend

The other day my friends and I were having our usual merienda at a place. It was Saturday, the end of the week for us. And it was girls' day, where we relax, eat, and talk things that were hard for us to carry alone. Suddenly, this friend of mine opened up something which is very sensitive for her to talk about. My friends and I asked what's the matter, and she told us her story. She saw her ex-boyfriend, who my friends and I loathed, and who my friend loved so dearly (take note of the past tense: LOVED).  They were one cute couple at first, but as years passed by I saw the guy's true color. A very dark color indeed!

So, after three years of stupidity, my friend finally hit her head hard and broke up with that guy. At first my friend find it hard to adjust herself to the new environment. I mean, no texting, no calling, no boyfies, etc. But later on, she adapted. She's on her second year of being single, and things are going well for her. Well, little did she know. Her dilemma was, she saw her ex-boyfie with another girl. I asked, "What's wrong with that? Are you hurt? Do you still love him?" She answered me, "I am hurt but not because I still love him." "Then why?" my follow-up question. "I do not know either. But I am sure that it is not because I still love him." Another friend of mine talked (after swallowing what was on her mouth) said, "You were hurt, not because you still love him. But because you saw him with other woman. You were hurt not because of that woman, but because it pains you that he's moved on. You were hurt not because you cannot move on, but because you're still waiting for one person, who you do not know his exact feelings for you. You were hurt not because you are tired of waiting, but because the person you love does not pay attention to you. Am I right?"

She did not answer, but I know her so well. Her silence means that what my friend just told her is right. I then told her, "You're being selfish. Let him be happy. So that you'll be happy. If he finds the girl for him, then be it. That is not your business anymore. You should wait for the right man at the right time. Do not find a man for yourself just because he found his." This friend currently have someone in her heart, she loves him but the guy doesn't know, or maybe the guy knows but is afraid to make a move.

To that friend:

I hope someday the man of your dreams will come and confess his heart to you. But in the meantime, do not rush things and just enjoy your life. You know your "ATE" (big sister) will always be here for you. I love you doll. xo


May mga bagay na madalas pag nakita mo masasaktan ka. May mga bagay na kahit walang pangalan na nailagay alam mong ikaw yung tinutukoy. Yun bang simpleng bagay na gawin mo may masasabi s'ya. Ang masakit pa dun, e pinaparinig nya pa sa'yo o di kaya nama'y sadyang ipinapahalata sa'yo. Hindi nga naman masama na mag-bigay ng opinyon tungkol sa isang bagay. Lahat naman tayo ay may karapatan na sabihin kung anu ang tingin natin sa bagay-bagay. Ngunit pakatandaan natin na ang lahat ng bagay ay may kanya-kanyang limitasyon. Hindi mo dapat isipin lamang ang iyong sarili. Paano na lamang kung sa iyo ginawa iyon? Ikatutuwa mo ba? Oo nga't maganda, matalino at maayos ang kalagayan mo sa lipunan. Ngunit hindi iyon dahilan upang maliitin mo ang mga nasa mas mababang antas. Dahil hindi mo alam, may isang bagay na wala ka na mayroon s'ya. Tigilan na natin ang pagiging mapanghusga sa kapwa. Pakatandaan natin na ang mga salitang isinasambit natin ay sumasalamin sa kung anung klaseng personalidad ang mayroon tayo.

Para naman sa mga taong nakatatanggap na masasakit na salita galing sa kapwa, ito naman ang maipapayo ko. Huwag makipagsabayan sa galit ng iyong kapwa. Kung minamaliit ka man nya o pinagsasabihan ng masasakit na salita hayaan mo na lang. Hindi ka dapat makipagpalitan ng mamasakit na salita dahil kung ganoon ang iyong gagawin ay wala ka ring pinagkaiba sa kanya. Ituon ang atensyon sa mas makabuluhang bagay. Subukan mong magbasa ng mga libro, o di kaya nama'y sumubok ng bagong isports. Kung ikaw naman ay mag-aaral, ituon na lang ang atensyon sa pag-aaral. Gawing makabuluhan ang bawat araw, huwag mong sayangin ang isang araw na binigay sa iyo ng Diyos. Huwag hayaan ang mga pangit na komento na sirain ang pagkatao mo. Maganda rin naman na alam mo kung anu ang pangit sa iyong sarili. Ngunit huwag itong gawing dahilan upang mas ibaba mo pa ang iyong sarili. Bagkus, gawin mo itong inspirasyon. Kung alam mo sa iyong sarili na may pagkukulang ka sa parteng iyon ng iyong buhay, mag-sikap ka upang mapagbuti mo ang pagkukulang mong iyon. Lahat tayo ay pantay-pantay sa paningin ng Diyos. Walang pangit, mayaman o matalino sa mata ng Diyos. Tayo ay pantay-pantay. Ang lahat ng bagay na mayroon ang isang tao ay hindi nya madadala sa langit.

Tandaan, kung ikaw naman na ay ang nasa itaas ay wala ka ring nikatiting na karapatan upang laitin ang mga nasa ibaba. Dahil minsan ka ring naging nasa ibaba, at ikaw mismo ay alam mo ang pakiramdam ng nilalait. Pakatandaan natin na hindi lahat ng kritisismong natatanggap natin ay masama ang epekto sa atin. Kung positibo ang iyong pananaw, ang kritisismong natatanggap ay maaaring maging dahilan din upang tayo ay maging mas mabubuting tao sa lipunan. xo

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Walk a mile in my shoes

I just love how gorg these shoes are! Can anyone tell me where to purchase them?

Many people perceive me as mataray, snobbish, kontrabida girl, mean girl, and many other terms that have the same meaning as those I mentioned. I am frequently misjudged by people around me. And I prove them wrong! Those people who see me as a mean girl often become my friends 'cause after hours, days, weeks of having me in their eyes, they always see a different side of me. They'll always say, "Ah, what we think is not true." I, on the other hand, am happy hearing those.

"You cannot have hundreds of friends without having few enemies" is a proven phrase. I gain friends, but I also gain enemies. Well, for them I am their enemy, but as far as I am concern THEY DON'T EXIST! I do not pay attention to those people who hate me because:
  • I do not want to grow wrinkles on my face.
  • It's a waste of time, waste of space, waste of energy.
  • My brain cells may deteriorate if I think too much about them.
  • They are confused admirers.
  • Bible says, "Love your enemies, and pray for those who persecute you." I do not wish to be a sinner just because of it.
If things get too rough and they hit below the belt, DING! That is when I speak for myself. But even if I do, I do it with with manners and poise.

There may be still a few people who judge me because of what they hear, but then again, "Do not judge me if you haven't walk a mile in my shoes."


Monday, July 2, 2012

Nami Island

Does it look familiar? This is the location site of the Korean drama "Winter Sonata". It is called Namiseom (남이섬) or Nami Island. It is a half-moon shaped island in Chuncheon, South Korea. An island which has lots of trees like maple, chestnut, ginko, etc. Living in cities, with skyrocketing buildings, pollution, and noise everywhere, it's a good thing to embrace nature once in a while. Since, it can be so irritating living in cities,  I'd prefer living in an environment with trees, grass, and flowers everywhere and a place where I can see the stars and the moon.
Nami Island during autumn
Korea is one of the countries I want to go to. Probably the first country I want to go! Maybe because I have been around Koreans for a long time now and they influenced me. And maybe because if I go there, I won't have to worry with the language since I can communicate in Korean (not fluently but I can communicate) Their food is a must-try too! Some food may smell so icky, but once you tasted it, your taste buds will probably go wild.

during winter
It is also one of my romantic dreams: to walk hand in hand with the one I love. Ride a bicycle in autumn, snow fight in winter, and strolling in summer. Seeing these lovely pictures made me want to go there right now!

What do you think, my love? I miss you. :( xo

Friday, June 29, 2012

Friends For All Seasons

Marby, Grazel, April, Roy, Ivy, Mhae, Aya, Ria, Jessa, Jane, Ashley, Sarah
Nherry, Tasya, Jev, Jethro, Mike, Manuel, Tatad, Mark
It is good to know that, aside from my family, I have crazy friends around me. To tell the truth, I have issues with friends. I had a fight with my past friends, and wasn't able to defend my side, and ended up being the "bad" one. Since, they weren't open to hear my side I let it slide, and maybe it is the best to just shut up. I am happy that they are now happy, and living life to the fullest. I do not have any means of communication with the other one, and I want to keep it that way. For the other one, we're friends now (through facebook), though not as close as before. But we're fine with it. Since I had a bad experience, it was really a big stretch for me to go and find new friends. After what happened, I prefer to just be with my family. Other than that, NONE! But I did not know that there will be a lot of things in store for me. When I entered university, that is when I met new set of friends. In university, there are people who live in different parts of the country. I met people who live in Pampangga, Cebu, Quezon City, other places in Bulacan, and even Japan, China, Spain, etc. They are all cool! It was in university when I met my so-called "university mates". I cried, I laughed, I did silly things. In the end they still love me for who I am. They guide me. They cherish me, and most of all they do not tolerate me. When I do something bad, they will tell. Of course, in any relationship it is not always about happiness. There will still be times when you end up hating each other, being mad at each other, etc. We also have things things like that. But at the end of the day, we find time to talk things out and be good with each other again. Every fight that we had made us really strong and open to each other.

I also have the same relationship with my high school tropa. Although we took different paths, I am glad that whenever I need them they will be there. And likewise, when they need me I will also be there. We see each other once in a while.

Happy, they will be there. Sad, they will be there. That is why I call them, "Friends For All Seasons".

To all of my friends: Thank you, thank you so much! I am not a showy person, I do not express how much I love you guys. But I want you all to know that I LOVE YOU. I am happy that God gave me the craziest yet the most lovable people in the whole wide world. I love you guys! <3

The green dot


The long wait is over. I saw the green dot beside your name.
But I do not have the courage to click it. How pitiful!
And just when I made up my mind, the green dot is gone.

LESSON LEARNED: It may be too late for that green dot, so when you have a chance, CLICK IT right away!

Saturday, June 23, 2012

한달, 한사랑

Shades of Purple
한달, 한사랑. 
(Romanization: Han dal, han sarang; English Translation: One moon, one love.)

It is no secret to everyone that I love stars, but there is one thing they probably do not about me. I also love the MOON. Why the moon? When I was a little kid, my parents would always ask me "Baby, where's the moon?" I'll look up in the sky and when I see it, I will point at it and show my mom and dad that there is the moon. When my brother was born, they did the same thing. The moon is probably the first heavenly body that I know.

Well, of course, nowadays, I do not point at the moon like that, because I'm a grown-up. (Or not? Haha.) Whenever I see the moon, I would simply stare at it and admire everything about it. Its shape, its color, its brilliance in the sky. I am just at awe. Not only it gives light during nighttime, but also, Earth only has one moon. Unlike other planets which has 66 moons (Jupiter), 62 moons (Saturn), 27 moons (Uranus), 13 moons (Neptune), 2 moons (Mars), and Mercury and Venus having none.

Staring at the moon is my relaxation. At night, I will go to our balcony and see if the moon is shining out there. Sometimes, I do not have to go out to see its brilliance because I can see it through my window. It's like peeking on me. Have you noticed that the moon has an eye and a nose? When I stare at it, I can see its eyes and nose. (I don't know if you also see the same, or I am just weird.) 

So what is the relevance of "ONE MOON" to "ONE LOVE" in this post? This may sound so corny, but I want to share with you what the moon is to me. I am sure you've heard about this somewhere.

As I stare at the moon each evening, I keep on wondering if the one I love looks at it too. Because if he does, even if we are miles and miles apart, we'll be staring at only one moon. Therefore giving me romantic chills. It gives me a romantic feeling. The feeling, "My girl, I'm missing you. Do you miss me too?" (I hope you get my point. Hahaha)

Whenever I look at the moon nowadays, I always think of you. Thinking if you think of me too. Sometimes it makes me sad because the answer for that is an obvious one. My star is you, my moon is you. You may ask why? Because during my darkest days, when I was hurting and my heart was bleeding, you're the one who showed me the light. You're the one who gave light to my "dark night". And now that your light is shining so brightly in my sky, I am afraid that that light will want to shine for someone else. Or someone may get it away from me. I am very afraid losing that light in my sky again.

Just like the moon, in my sky you are the only one. In my heart you are the only one. Even if you want to shine more brightly on other skies, I will always be looking for the moon that I love.

How are you my moon, my star, my LOVE? xo


Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Patience in waiting? I have none. But not in love.

Honestly, I am not the type of person who likes to wait. I get so irritated if a friend or someone arrives later than expected. PATIENCE IN WAITING? I have none. Normally, when I make plans with someone I'll always say, "Subukan mong ma-late tignan mo kung kakausapin pa kita." (Try to be late and see if I ever talk to you again.) But of course, I am only threatening them. I don't talk to them but just for an hour or so, but never forever.

One day, my friend and I planned to meet somewhere for a school-related activity. I got so annoyed because she arrived two hours later than what have been planned. She knew I was angry. Inside the car, I wasn't talking, wasn't moving, wasn't doing anything. When she finally had the courage, she said sorry. And though I am still very mad, I let it pass. We did what we had to do and ate somewhere. While we were waiting for our food she then asked me, "Lagi ka bang ganyan? Ayaw mo nang nag-hihintay?" (Are you always like that? You don't like waiting?) I nodded because I'm too sleepy and too lazy to talk. "Sa love ba hindi ka rin nag-hihintay?" (You don't wait? Even in love?) Luckily, our food arrived so I do not have to answer her awkward question. We aren't that close so I don't want to talk to her 'bout it.

The whole day her question kept popping into my head. It was echoing in my ears. What if the food did not arrive at that time? What would I tell her? SIMPLE. Love is a different case. In love, I always have the patience to wait. I've been doing that for quite a long time now. I do not rush LOVE. I came from a relationship which was very heartbreaking. The reason was that, it was very rushed. After that heartbreaking experience I realized that love should not be rushed. I learned from that experience, and it made me what I am now.

Now, I am patiently waiting for my one true love. I currently have someone in my heart. But, that person is not yet ready, and so am I. We still have a lot of things ahead of us. It was when I met him, I learned the true meaning of WAITING. I do not worry. As the saying goes, "If it's meant to be, it will be." If it's not, well that's too bad, but at least we had the chance to know each other. xo

Monday, June 18, 2012


I've done nothing for the day but wait for you. Only in this social networking site I will be able to talk to you. I've gone offline, you went online. I went online, and you were offline. I wish I can sit here all day and wait. But, no can't do. Your status is OFFLINE.

Anyhoo, I just want to say I miss you and I want to see you. How are you doing my friend?


Sunday, June 17, 2012


In my horizon, you will always be my star.
-by: Jan Maurice Adriano Dela Cruz
I won't shed a tear if the sun is gone,
for I know a tear won't let me see my star.
With the love I feel I just cannot go on,
all I can do is listen to your guitar.

Oh my love, for you this may all just be games,
just like dancing in a wilderness campaign.
I hope what you feel for me is just the same,
because I do not want to hear you explain.

As I sit with you, I wish the time would pause
'Cause if you go away, you'll leave a deep scar.
Don't worry it won't make me love you less 'cause
In my horizon, you'll always be that star.
"What a horrible poem," you might say. Excuse my use of poetry to express my feelings. This is my first and ever poem, and I must admit that I am not good at it. I used a lot of future tenses here, and only I know why. I want that person to know but I, as of now, am not ready. Also, I am not the type to confess feelings for someone because I am a woman. I believe that guys should confess their feelings first, and a woman should not do the FIRST move. No matter what circumstances they may be in. (Sorry, but that is just how I feel and think.) I know that he won't be able to see or read this, but I still wish him all the best and I hope that he's doing well. So long, my friend! xo

NOTE: This is also related to my other post. ;)

Friday, June 15, 2012


These past few days, I don't feel so good. If you analyze the title you will know why. I'm pretty sure no one can guess, since it's a fact about me that only a few know about. Oh well. 'Nuff said. Goodnight. :*