Thursday, August 9, 2012

Getting Tired

I am not this girl. I never get tired of things. Even if I did, I always look on the brighter side saying, "Ah, I will reap what I sow." Though I get tired of something, I know that later on in life it will benefit me. I study and work at the same time, but I never complain about it.
But something's wrong with me. Right now! As I am typing word after word, I feel tired. Not the usual tiredness. But tiredness of life. I feel like there is something missing and I can't seem to find it. And I am hating myself for feeling this way because I know I shouldn't feel like this. I am blessed with everything and I do not have the slightest right to feel tired.
Maybe I am focusing so much on one side of my life to the point that I forget that there is another side. That other side seems to be shrinking that's why I feel empty. I try to focus on other things but seems like I cannot. Sigh!

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