Saturday, June 23, 2012

한달, 한사랑

Shades of Purple
한달, 한사랑. 
(Romanization: Han dal, han sarang; English Translation: One moon, one love.)

It is no secret to everyone that I love stars, but there is one thing they probably do not about me. I also love the MOON. Why the moon? When I was a little kid, my parents would always ask me "Baby, where's the moon?" I'll look up in the sky and when I see it, I will point at it and show my mom and dad that there is the moon. When my brother was born, they did the same thing. The moon is probably the first heavenly body that I know.

Well, of course, nowadays, I do not point at the moon like that, because I'm a grown-up. (Or not? Haha.) Whenever I see the moon, I would simply stare at it and admire everything about it. Its shape, its color, its brilliance in the sky. I am just at awe. Not only it gives light during nighttime, but also, Earth only has one moon. Unlike other planets which has 66 moons (Jupiter), 62 moons (Saturn), 27 moons (Uranus), 13 moons (Neptune), 2 moons (Mars), and Mercury and Venus having none.

Staring at the moon is my relaxation. At night, I will go to our balcony and see if the moon is shining out there. Sometimes, I do not have to go out to see its brilliance because I can see it through my window. It's like peeking on me. Have you noticed that the moon has an eye and a nose? When I stare at it, I can see its eyes and nose. (I don't know if you also see the same, or I am just weird.) 

So what is the relevance of "ONE MOON" to "ONE LOVE" in this post? This may sound so corny, but I want to share with you what the moon is to me. I am sure you've heard about this somewhere.

As I stare at the moon each evening, I keep on wondering if the one I love looks at it too. Because if he does, even if we are miles and miles apart, we'll be staring at only one moon. Therefore giving me romantic chills. It gives me a romantic feeling. The feeling, "My girl, I'm missing you. Do you miss me too?" (I hope you get my point. Hahaha)

Whenever I look at the moon nowadays, I always think of you. Thinking if you think of me too. Sometimes it makes me sad because the answer for that is an obvious one. My star is you, my moon is you. You may ask why? Because during my darkest days, when I was hurting and my heart was bleeding, you're the one who showed me the light. You're the one who gave light to my "dark night". And now that your light is shining so brightly in my sky, I am afraid that that light will want to shine for someone else. Or someone may get it away from me. I am very afraid losing that light in my sky again.

Just like the moon, in my sky you are the only one. In my heart you are the only one. Even if you want to shine more brightly on other skies, I will always be looking for the moon that I love.

How are you my moon, my star, my LOVE? xo


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