Thursday, October 11, 2012


credits to the owner
Today probably is the worst day in my entire existence. (Okay! That's exaggeration.) No, but seriously, it is one of the worst. I made a huge mistake which made one of my mentor to lose trust in me. I made a name, a good name. A good reputation, and all of it vanished into thin air. This mistake will probably leave a deep scar, not only in my heart but also in my head. This may change the way my life turns. But that's how it is. It's a consequence of what I did. Whatever the consequence will be, I will keep it, and learn from it. But I am still hoping that it will not be as bad as I imagine. Now, I believe in the Filipino saying: "Nasa huli ang pag-si-sisi." 

To everyone who had been hurt: The word "sorry" is not enough, but I still want to apologize for all the aches that my action did to all of you.

To that mentor: I am ashamed of what I did. I was careless. Whatever your decision may be, I will take it as a good experience. An experience which taught me a lot, an experience that will help me to become a better person in the future. I do not promise this, but I want to tell you that I will not do anything like that again, not only to you, but also to my future and present mentors. I am sorry! :(

'Till here! :( </3

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