Monday, August 6, 2012

Love Wisely

Even with love, be wise!

So I was watching a Korean reality show last night. A K-pop artist that I like is reading a book, and her roommate asked her what is she reading. She said it is a book about loving wisely. She then narrated what she read so far. The show ran for about 25 minutes with her just talking about the book. A phrase she said caught my attention, "It is easy to love with your heart, but it will be very hard to love with your brain." Which I think is true. People, not all but in general, use their hearts in love. Rarely you see people who use their brains to love. First off, it is not the heart which causes ourselves to love, it is actually the brain. A hormone-producing gland in our brain called hypothalamus is the one responsible for the feelings that we feel for an opposite sex. Technically speaking it is wrong to say "I love you with all my heart." instead people should say "I love you with all my hypothalamus." 

Things were enumerated by my favorite artist. But I will just give tongue to one. Imagine the overall standards of your husband. Give examples of a good and a bad husband. Simple right? Now, you don't have to list down hundreds of things you like or you don't like, or you want or you don't want.

Example of a good husband:

  • He is well-mannered and has positive values.
  • He is someone who is willing to give in his all to fulfill his dreams.
  • He is pro-active but conserved at the same time.
  • He is like a friend who listens and approaches you all the time.
  • He is sincere and is grateful about everything.
  • He values family, and puts God in the center of his life.
Example of a bad husband:

  • He is ill-mannered and has negative values.
  • He lacks confidence.
  • He does not value his family. (I don't want to live with someone who doesn't love his family. I love my family so much, that is why I think he should also value and love his.)
  • He has no GOD. (No God means no life.)
There may still be things that you want to add, it is up to you.

I know the person who I want to be with the rest of my life is on the good side. I know he is. I know you are!

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