Sunday, June 17, 2012


In my horizon, you will always be my star.
-by: Jan Maurice Adriano Dela Cruz
I won't shed a tear if the sun is gone,
for I know a tear won't let me see my star.
With the love I feel I just cannot go on,
all I can do is listen to your guitar.

Oh my love, for you this may all just be games,
just like dancing in a wilderness campaign.
I hope what you feel for me is just the same,
because I do not want to hear you explain.

As I sit with you, I wish the time would pause
'Cause if you go away, you'll leave a deep scar.
Don't worry it won't make me love you less 'cause
In my horizon, you'll always be that star.
"What a horrible poem," you might say. Excuse my use of poetry to express my feelings. This is my first and ever poem, and I must admit that I am not good at it. I used a lot of future tenses here, and only I know why. I want that person to know but I, as of now, am not ready. Also, I am not the type to confess feelings for someone because I am a woman. I believe that guys should confess their feelings first, and a woman should not do the FIRST move. No matter what circumstances they may be in. (Sorry, but that is just how I feel and think.) I know that he won't be able to see or read this, but I still wish him all the best and I hope that he's doing well. So long, my friend! xo

NOTE: This is also related to my other post. ;)

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