Friday, June 29, 2012

Friends For All Seasons

Marby, Grazel, April, Roy, Ivy, Mhae, Aya, Ria, Jessa, Jane, Ashley, Sarah
Nherry, Tasya, Jev, Jethro, Mike, Manuel, Tatad, Mark
It is good to know that, aside from my family, I have crazy friends around me. To tell the truth, I have issues with friends. I had a fight with my past friends, and wasn't able to defend my side, and ended up being the "bad" one. Since, they weren't open to hear my side I let it slide, and maybe it is the best to just shut up. I am happy that they are now happy, and living life to the fullest. I do not have any means of communication with the other one, and I want to keep it that way. For the other one, we're friends now (through facebook), though not as close as before. But we're fine with it. Since I had a bad experience, it was really a big stretch for me to go and find new friends. After what happened, I prefer to just be with my family. Other than that, NONE! But I did not know that there will be a lot of things in store for me. When I entered university, that is when I met new set of friends. In university, there are people who live in different parts of the country. I met people who live in Pampangga, Cebu, Quezon City, other places in Bulacan, and even Japan, China, Spain, etc. They are all cool! It was in university when I met my so-called "university mates". I cried, I laughed, I did silly things. In the end they still love me for who I am. They guide me. They cherish me, and most of all they do not tolerate me. When I do something bad, they will tell. Of course, in any relationship it is not always about happiness. There will still be times when you end up hating each other, being mad at each other, etc. We also have things things like that. But at the end of the day, we find time to talk things out and be good with each other again. Every fight that we had made us really strong and open to each other.

I also have the same relationship with my high school tropa. Although we took different paths, I am glad that whenever I need them they will be there. And likewise, when they need me I will also be there. We see each other once in a while.

Happy, they will be there. Sad, they will be there. That is why I call them, "Friends For All Seasons".

To all of my friends: Thank you, thank you so much! I am not a showy person, I do not express how much I love you guys. But I want you all to know that I LOVE YOU. I am happy that God gave me the craziest yet the most lovable people in the whole wide world. I love you guys! <3

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