Sunday, July 8, 2012

You were hurt

"You were hurt, not because you still love him. But because you saw him with other woman.

You were hurt not because of that woman, but because it pains you that he's moved on.

You were hurt not because you cannot move on, but because you're still waiting for one person, who you do not know his exact feelings for you.

You were hurt not because you are tired of waiting, but because the person you love does not pay attention to you."
- A friend to a friend

The other day my friends and I were having our usual merienda at a place. It was Saturday, the end of the week for us. And it was girls' day, where we relax, eat, and talk things that were hard for us to carry alone. Suddenly, this friend of mine opened up something which is very sensitive for her to talk about. My friends and I asked what's the matter, and she told us her story. She saw her ex-boyfriend, who my friends and I loathed, and who my friend loved so dearly (take note of the past tense: LOVED).  They were one cute couple at first, but as years passed by I saw the guy's true color. A very dark color indeed!

So, after three years of stupidity, my friend finally hit her head hard and broke up with that guy. At first my friend find it hard to adjust herself to the new environment. I mean, no texting, no calling, no boyfies, etc. But later on, she adapted. She's on her second year of being single, and things are going well for her. Well, little did she know. Her dilemma was, she saw her ex-boyfie with another girl. I asked, "What's wrong with that? Are you hurt? Do you still love him?" She answered me, "I am hurt but not because I still love him." "Then why?" my follow-up question. "I do not know either. But I am sure that it is not because I still love him." Another friend of mine talked (after swallowing what was on her mouth) said, "You were hurt, not because you still love him. But because you saw him with other woman. You were hurt not because of that woman, but because it pains you that he's moved on. You were hurt not because you cannot move on, but because you're still waiting for one person, who you do not know his exact feelings for you. You were hurt not because you are tired of waiting, but because the person you love does not pay attention to you. Am I right?"

She did not answer, but I know her so well. Her silence means that what my friend just told her is right. I then told her, "You're being selfish. Let him be happy. So that you'll be happy. If he finds the girl for him, then be it. That is not your business anymore. You should wait for the right man at the right time. Do not find a man for yourself just because he found his." This friend currently have someone in her heart, she loves him but the guy doesn't know, or maybe the guy knows but is afraid to make a move.

To that friend:

I hope someday the man of your dreams will come and confess his heart to you. But in the meantime, do not rush things and just enjoy your life. You know your "ATE" (big sister) will always be here for you. I love you doll. xo

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