Tuesday, August 28, 2012


I'm so scared. I have never been this scared in my 19 years of existence. But one thing's for sure, God won't let me down. God will always be by my side. He knows what to do. I put my faith in Him. <3

Monday, August 13, 2012

Sweet Tooth

A sinful thing it may be. But I just can't resist sweets. My family (paternal) has diabetes history. Which is why my mom would always tell me and my brother to back off from sweets. A little will do, but not too much. But what is too much really? Hahaha. Anyway, I always have this sweet tooth. Whenever I feel lonely or sad, a piece of chocolate can cheer me up. A lollipop can brighten my day. A sip of my favorite smoothie can take all my stress away.

Christmas is my favorite season. Not only because we are celebrating Jesus's birthday, and my dad's birthday. But also, these lollipops can be seen EVERYWHERE! From supermarkets to streets down to the darkest alleys of our town. Hahaha. Which makes me a happy kiddo. I literally bought fifty pieces of these when I was in high school. And finished them all in forty-eight hours. Gawd!

Pink cotton candies with lots of powdered milk? Oh God, I can't resist. During sportsfest, in the university I am attending, lots of food can be seen. But I only have my eyes on the cotton candy cart. I ate hundred pesos worth of these, which made me ill the next day. Eating so much cotton candy hurt my throat. Thus, I wasn't able to attend and enjoy the whole celebration of our fest.

So, as I was saying, a smoothie can take all your stress away. I love berries, be it raspberries, strawberries, blueberries, or cranberries. But since I live in a hot country, it's hard to find these type of berries. If someone goes abroad or out-of-town, where these berries are available, I would threaten them to buy me fresh ones.  Hahaha, kidding! A famous fastfood chain sells smoothies and they're available in strawberry-banana-yogurt flavor! It's fine if I don't get to eat a good meal, as long as I have a smoothie on the side, my meal is COMPLETE!

Drooling while typing. Hahaha :)
And last, but definitely not the least: CHOCOLATES. My parents, who worked overseas, always have chocolates in their packages. That is why I am a chubby woman. I ate so much sweets that it made me chubby. LOL! Cadbury Chocettes and Mars are my fave. I also eat other brands of chocolates but I prefer these two. One time, I was on a "tantrum mode" when my bestfriend gave me chocolates. My tantrums quickly faded away! Hahaha. My bestfriend knows what to do with me!

It's the middle of the night, and I am drooling as I type words. Looks like my purse will cry tomorrow! If you know what I mean! :) I don't know what to update my blog with, so I decided to just update random things about myself. :)


Thursday, August 9, 2012

Getting Tired

I am not this girl. I never get tired of things. Even if I did, I always look on the brighter side saying, "Ah, I will reap what I sow." Though I get tired of something, I know that later on in life it will benefit me. I study and work at the same time, but I never complain about it.
But something's wrong with me. Right now! As I am typing word after word, I feel tired. Not the usual tiredness. But tiredness of life. I feel like there is something missing and I can't seem to find it. And I am hating myself for feeling this way because I know I shouldn't feel like this. I am blessed with everything and I do not have the slightest right to feel tired.
Maybe I am focusing so much on one side of my life to the point that I forget that there is another side. That other side seems to be shrinking that's why I feel empty. I try to focus on other things but seems like I cannot. Sigh!

That day

There really is a day when I feel really lonely. Craziest part is, I don't even know why I am lonely. WEIRDO! What now? Hmmmm.. :(

Monday, August 6, 2012

Love Wisely

Even with love, be wise!

So I was watching a Korean reality show last night. A K-pop artist that I like is reading a book, and her roommate asked her what is she reading. She said it is a book about loving wisely. She then narrated what she read so far. The show ran for about 25 minutes with her just talking about the book. A phrase she said caught my attention, "It is easy to love with your heart, but it will be very hard to love with your brain." Which I think is true. People, not all but in general, use their hearts in love. Rarely you see people who use their brains to love. First off, it is not the heart which causes ourselves to love, it is actually the brain. A hormone-producing gland in our brain called hypothalamus is the one responsible for the feelings that we feel for an opposite sex. Technically speaking it is wrong to say "I love you with all my heart." instead people should say "I love you with all my hypothalamus." 

Things were enumerated by my favorite artist. But I will just give tongue to one. Imagine the overall standards of your husband. Give examples of a good and a bad husband. Simple right? Now, you don't have to list down hundreds of things you like or you don't like, or you want or you don't want.

Example of a good husband:

  • He is well-mannered and has positive values.
  • He is someone who is willing to give in his all to fulfill his dreams.
  • He is pro-active but conserved at the same time.
  • He is like a friend who listens and approaches you all the time.
  • He is sincere and is grateful about everything.
  • He values family, and puts God in the center of his life.
Example of a bad husband:

  • He is ill-mannered and has negative values.
  • He lacks confidence.
  • He does not value his family. (I don't want to live with someone who doesn't love his family. I love my family so much, that is why I think he should also value and love his.)
  • He has no GOD. (No God means no life.)
There may still be things that you want to add, it is up to you.

I know the person who I want to be with the rest of my life is on the good side. I know he is. I know you are!

Thursday, August 2, 2012

Let's get high

BUNGEE JUMPING. Woohoo! I would be on top of the world if I ever experienced bungee jumping. I so want to try bungee jumping. I am an adventurous type of girl. I love things like jumping off a thousand feet tower. My friends get cold feet whenever we have topics like this. I would say,  "Oh! I want to try bungee jumping." Then they would be like, "WTF! Go by yourself!" Things like that. Majority of my friends are acrophobic. They do not like high places. Once, we were from a friend's birthday party. And because we went home a little late we had to detour a little bit. The road that we took was a little scary. We had to passed by drunk men, and dark alleys. We also passed by a bridge beside NLEX (North Luzon Expressway). I do not know how to explain the feeling that I had at that time. The bridge was really scary because it was rusty. I was afraid that if I stomp on the bridge too strong the bridge will fall off. It was pretty high and the river was beneath it. My friends were all scared at that time. I was too, but not because of the heights, it's because of the rusty bridge. So much for the story. Let's get into business, shall we?

The very famous Macau Tower
If I'm not mistaken this is where America's Next Top Model shot one of the challenges where models must pose with the harness on and stuffs. Jumping from a thousand-feet-tall tower won't make me a scared stiff. I imagine myself falling from that tower. It's like releasing every anger in me. All the pain. All the sorrow. It would be great if we jump together. Of course, I am not trying to kill myself. Duh! I have never heard of someone dying because of bungee jumping.

How I wish I can go there right now with you. I miss you. xo
