Friday, June 29, 2012

Friends For All Seasons

Marby, Grazel, April, Roy, Ivy, Mhae, Aya, Ria, Jessa, Jane, Ashley, Sarah
Nherry, Tasya, Jev, Jethro, Mike, Manuel, Tatad, Mark
It is good to know that, aside from my family, I have crazy friends around me. To tell the truth, I have issues with friends. I had a fight with my past friends, and wasn't able to defend my side, and ended up being the "bad" one. Since, they weren't open to hear my side I let it slide, and maybe it is the best to just shut up. I am happy that they are now happy, and living life to the fullest. I do not have any means of communication with the other one, and I want to keep it that way. For the other one, we're friends now (through facebook), though not as close as before. But we're fine with it. Since I had a bad experience, it was really a big stretch for me to go and find new friends. After what happened, I prefer to just be with my family. Other than that, NONE! But I did not know that there will be a lot of things in store for me. When I entered university, that is when I met new set of friends. In university, there are people who live in different parts of the country. I met people who live in Pampangga, Cebu, Quezon City, other places in Bulacan, and even Japan, China, Spain, etc. They are all cool! It was in university when I met my so-called "university mates". I cried, I laughed, I did silly things. In the end they still love me for who I am. They guide me. They cherish me, and most of all they do not tolerate me. When I do something bad, they will tell. Of course, in any relationship it is not always about happiness. There will still be times when you end up hating each other, being mad at each other, etc. We also have things things like that. But at the end of the day, we find time to talk things out and be good with each other again. Every fight that we had made us really strong and open to each other.

I also have the same relationship with my high school tropa. Although we took different paths, I am glad that whenever I need them they will be there. And likewise, when they need me I will also be there. We see each other once in a while.

Happy, they will be there. Sad, they will be there. That is why I call them, "Friends For All Seasons".

To all of my friends: Thank you, thank you so much! I am not a showy person, I do not express how much I love you guys. But I want you all to know that I LOVE YOU. I am happy that God gave me the craziest yet the most lovable people in the whole wide world. I love you guys! <3

The green dot


The long wait is over. I saw the green dot beside your name.
But I do not have the courage to click it. How pitiful!
And just when I made up my mind, the green dot is gone.

LESSON LEARNED: It may be too late for that green dot, so when you have a chance, CLICK IT right away!

Saturday, June 23, 2012

한달, 한사랑

Shades of Purple
한달, 한사랑. 
(Romanization: Han dal, han sarang; English Translation: One moon, one love.)

It is no secret to everyone that I love stars, but there is one thing they probably do not about me. I also love the MOON. Why the moon? When I was a little kid, my parents would always ask me "Baby, where's the moon?" I'll look up in the sky and when I see it, I will point at it and show my mom and dad that there is the moon. When my brother was born, they did the same thing. The moon is probably the first heavenly body that I know.

Well, of course, nowadays, I do not point at the moon like that, because I'm a grown-up. (Or not? Haha.) Whenever I see the moon, I would simply stare at it and admire everything about it. Its shape, its color, its brilliance in the sky. I am just at awe. Not only it gives light during nighttime, but also, Earth only has one moon. Unlike other planets which has 66 moons (Jupiter), 62 moons (Saturn), 27 moons (Uranus), 13 moons (Neptune), 2 moons (Mars), and Mercury and Venus having none.

Staring at the moon is my relaxation. At night, I will go to our balcony and see if the moon is shining out there. Sometimes, I do not have to go out to see its brilliance because I can see it through my window. It's like peeking on me. Have you noticed that the moon has an eye and a nose? When I stare at it, I can see its eyes and nose. (I don't know if you also see the same, or I am just weird.) 

So what is the relevance of "ONE MOON" to "ONE LOVE" in this post? This may sound so corny, but I want to share with you what the moon is to me. I am sure you've heard about this somewhere.

As I stare at the moon each evening, I keep on wondering if the one I love looks at it too. Because if he does, even if we are miles and miles apart, we'll be staring at only one moon. Therefore giving me romantic chills. It gives me a romantic feeling. The feeling, "My girl, I'm missing you. Do you miss me too?" (I hope you get my point. Hahaha)

Whenever I look at the moon nowadays, I always think of you. Thinking if you think of me too. Sometimes it makes me sad because the answer for that is an obvious one. My star is you, my moon is you. You may ask why? Because during my darkest days, when I was hurting and my heart was bleeding, you're the one who showed me the light. You're the one who gave light to my "dark night". And now that your light is shining so brightly in my sky, I am afraid that that light will want to shine for someone else. Or someone may get it away from me. I am very afraid losing that light in my sky again.

Just like the moon, in my sky you are the only one. In my heart you are the only one. Even if you want to shine more brightly on other skies, I will always be looking for the moon that I love.

How are you my moon, my star, my LOVE? xo


Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Patience in waiting? I have none. But not in love.

Honestly, I am not the type of person who likes to wait. I get so irritated if a friend or someone arrives later than expected. PATIENCE IN WAITING? I have none. Normally, when I make plans with someone I'll always say, "Subukan mong ma-late tignan mo kung kakausapin pa kita." (Try to be late and see if I ever talk to you again.) But of course, I am only threatening them. I don't talk to them but just for an hour or so, but never forever.

One day, my friend and I planned to meet somewhere for a school-related activity. I got so annoyed because she arrived two hours later than what have been planned. She knew I was angry. Inside the car, I wasn't talking, wasn't moving, wasn't doing anything. When she finally had the courage, she said sorry. And though I am still very mad, I let it pass. We did what we had to do and ate somewhere. While we were waiting for our food she then asked me, "Lagi ka bang ganyan? Ayaw mo nang nag-hihintay?" (Are you always like that? You don't like waiting?) I nodded because I'm too sleepy and too lazy to talk. "Sa love ba hindi ka rin nag-hihintay?" (You don't wait? Even in love?) Luckily, our food arrived so I do not have to answer her awkward question. We aren't that close so I don't want to talk to her 'bout it.

The whole day her question kept popping into my head. It was echoing in my ears. What if the food did not arrive at that time? What would I tell her? SIMPLE. Love is a different case. In love, I always have the patience to wait. I've been doing that for quite a long time now. I do not rush LOVE. I came from a relationship which was very heartbreaking. The reason was that, it was very rushed. After that heartbreaking experience I realized that love should not be rushed. I learned from that experience, and it made me what I am now.

Now, I am patiently waiting for my one true love. I currently have someone in my heart. But, that person is not yet ready, and so am I. We still have a lot of things ahead of us. It was when I met him, I learned the true meaning of WAITING. I do not worry. As the saying goes, "If it's meant to be, it will be." If it's not, well that's too bad, but at least we had the chance to know each other. xo

Monday, June 18, 2012


I've done nothing for the day but wait for you. Only in this social networking site I will be able to talk to you. I've gone offline, you went online. I went online, and you were offline. I wish I can sit here all day and wait. But, no can't do. Your status is OFFLINE.

Anyhoo, I just want to say I miss you and I want to see you. How are you doing my friend?


Sunday, June 17, 2012


In my horizon, you will always be my star.
-by: Jan Maurice Adriano Dela Cruz
I won't shed a tear if the sun is gone,
for I know a tear won't let me see my star.
With the love I feel I just cannot go on,
all I can do is listen to your guitar.

Oh my love, for you this may all just be games,
just like dancing in a wilderness campaign.
I hope what you feel for me is just the same,
because I do not want to hear you explain.

As I sit with you, I wish the time would pause
'Cause if you go away, you'll leave a deep scar.
Don't worry it won't make me love you less 'cause
In my horizon, you'll always be that star.
"What a horrible poem," you might say. Excuse my use of poetry to express my feelings. This is my first and ever poem, and I must admit that I am not good at it. I used a lot of future tenses here, and only I know why. I want that person to know but I, as of now, am not ready. Also, I am not the type to confess feelings for someone because I am a woman. I believe that guys should confess their feelings first, and a woman should not do the FIRST move. No matter what circumstances they may be in. (Sorry, but that is just how I feel and think.) I know that he won't be able to see or read this, but I still wish him all the best and I hope that he's doing well. So long, my friend! xo

NOTE: This is also related to my other post. ;)

Friday, June 15, 2012


These past few days, I don't feel so good. If you analyze the title you will know why. I'm pretty sure no one can guess, since it's a fact about me that only a few know about. Oh well. 'Nuff said. Goodnight. :*