Thursday, October 25, 2012

Is it?

Is this a sign that I should just give you up? I am not stupid. I know it. I know what just happened. And hey, I was hurt. You can tell me to stop doing something if you do not like it. Here I am, patiently waiting. I am waiting even though you did not tell me to. It's my fault, I know! I keep my hopes up. And with that, I'll stop right here. From this moment on, you will hear nothing from me. And no, I don't feel "bitter". It's just how it is. I want to forget everything. So that when I face you, I can be that bright lady again.

This'll be my last post about you. Whether I keep my feelings or not, no one will know.

Tuesday, October 23, 2012


Can you tell me, how can one miss what she never had?How could I reminisce when there is no past?How could I have memories of being happy with you, boy?Can someone tell me how can this be?

How could my mind pull up incidentsRecall dates and times that never happened?How could we celebrate love that’s too lateAnd how could I really mean the words I’m about to say?

I miss the times that we almost sharedI miss the love that was almost thereI miss the times that we used to kissAt least in my dreams just let me take my time and reminisce

I miss the times that we never hadWhat happened to us, we were almost thereWhoever said it's impossible to missWhen you never had, never almost had you.
For you. 'Coz I never really had you, and yet, here I am......Waiting on my own. ------

Saturday, October 20, 2012

Hi Baby!

It's my facebook cover photo ---- TOP in the house y'all. :)
Got this photo from somewhere. He looks absolutely stunning in this photo so I decided to make it my cover photo, with a little text on the left side, "Hi Baby! *kiss mark!*" Hahahaha. I'm a fan of him, and his group BIG BANG. They are going to have their concert this October. Too bad, I do not have enough money to come and watch! Grrrr. I need xx,000 pesos! I do not have boyfie so I think it's okay if I post something like this! :)

Monday, October 15, 2012

I Should Never

I should never visit your facebook wall again.
I should never look at you again.
I should never dream of you again.
I should never love you again.
Because every time I do, I only feel the pain. </3

Thursday, October 11, 2012


'Coz I am waiting on my own

Do you ever think about me?
Do you ever cry yourself to sleep?
In the middle of the night when you're awake,
are you calling out my name?
Do you ever reminisce?
I can't believe I'm acting like this.
I know it's crazy. How I still can feel your kiss.

It's been ___ months, ___ days, ___ hours, since you went away.
I miss you so much and I don't know what to say.
I should be over you, but it's just not the case.
It's been six months, eight days, twelve hours, since you went away.

Do you ever ask about me?
Do your friends still tell you what to do?
Every time the phone rings, do you wish it was me calling you? Do you still feel the same?
Or has time put out the flame. I miss you. Is everything okay?

Those in bold are words I want to say (to you, of course!). But I just can't. :(
I wish I have the guts to say it.
------ <3


credits to the owner
Today probably is the worst day in my entire existence. (Okay! That's exaggeration.) No, but seriously, it is one of the worst. I made a huge mistake which made one of my mentor to lose trust in me. I made a name, a good name. A good reputation, and all of it vanished into thin air. This mistake will probably leave a deep scar, not only in my heart but also in my head. This may change the way my life turns. But that's how it is. It's a consequence of what I did. Whatever the consequence will be, I will keep it, and learn from it. But I am still hoping that it will not be as bad as I imagine. Now, I believe in the Filipino saying: "Nasa huli ang pag-si-sisi." 

To everyone who had been hurt: The word "sorry" is not enough, but I still want to apologize for all the aches that my action did to all of you.

To that mentor: I am ashamed of what I did. I was careless. Whatever your decision may be, I will take it as a good experience. An experience which taught me a lot, an experience that will help me to become a better person in the future. I do not promise this, but I want to tell you that I will not do anything like that again, not only to you, but also to my future and present mentors. I am sorry! :(

'Till here! :( </3

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Power of Stress

Twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week is just not enough. Not enough to finish all things that should be done. Feasibility Study, Operations Management documentary, Plight research, movie making, tons of quizzes, reports etc. *deep breaths* These are all tasks given to us by our professors.

FEASIBILITY STUDY. Others would do thesis but not Management Accounting students. We do FS or feasibility study. As we are in business section, we create new and innovative products to sell in the market. After which, we try to do research about the product. Two hundred pages of work should be done in such a short time. The most difficult part of the feasibility study is the financial chapter. One wrong type in your numbers might cause you a liter of blood, and an ocean of tears. *Hell yeah!* I gave two liters of blood, and bucketful of tears. Misunderstandings and arguments aroused during the "making" of this paper. But I am happy that I was able to express my feelings, and able to confront other people about what happened. They may hate the way I acted, but that's just how it is.

Overnight @ Laura's Pad
my groupmates

After series of arguments and drama, we were able to pass the oral defense. Yay! :)

Come to think of it! Because of this paper, I found out who my friends are. I found out who will leave me hanging in the bridge and who will not. Even though it stressed me a lot, I am still thankful. Thankful that I was able to find a gold in a trash. Hihihihi.