Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Untitled Post

Baby please don't go.
If I wake up tomorrow, will you still be here?
I don't know if you feel the way I do.
If you leave, I'm gonna find you.

Don't go. :(

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Hello 2013!

Goodbye 2012! Hello 2013!

Time sure flies. For this year, I have so much in line, and I hope it will all go according to my plan. I have one prayer that is still unanswered but I know God has better plans for "it". Last year, I prayed for one specific thing (which I will not mention here! Hehe.) Although it was too bad it did not happen in 2012, I know that it was not yet the time for "it". This year, as the clock struck 12, I wished and prayed for the same thing. And if God permits, it will happen. Grabe, araw-araw yun ang nasa imagination ko! Hahaha. Anyway, I hope this year will be a good year for me, my friends, and my family.

Lots of love. xoxo

Wednesday, December 5, 2012


There is pain inside me. A pain which I always carry. Every time I see you, I get this pain. Every word you say, even though it was not intended for me, I get pain. THIS IS LIFE. I hurt you before, now it's your turn to hurt me. I will have to wait. Wait 'till it stops. :(

Thursday, November 15, 2012

A Not-So-Secret Affair

Seven o'clock to five o'clock is our school schedule during Wednesdays. But hey, first day of the second semester and our professors were not interested to meet us. Oh, no, one professor showed up and just checked our papers then that's it! So at 11 o'clock our whole schedule was done. "Now what?" was the question that ran through our heads. Instead of going home, some of my friends and I opted to watch a movie entitled "A Secret Affair", and yeah! --- from its title you'd know that it's about an affair. Though I was not in the mood to watch, because of severeeeee headache, I came 'cause it will make my friends "tampo to the nth level" if I won't, and of course I don't want to feel so out-of-place when they talk about the movie. Duh?! :)

Tahdah! Here it is. I must admit that I watched it mainly because I saw the movie trailer on television and Rafi's (Anne Curtis) lines are so "palong-palo!" Talk about bitchiness with extra class.

  • "Bakit hindi ka mag-kape girl. Next time you get a triple shot para kabahan ka naman. Alam mo kung sa'n masarap mag-kape? Sa burol mo."
  • After slapping Sam (Andi Eigenmann) "Ang sakit ha? Ang tigas talaga ng mukha mo!"
  • “Ano bang tingin mo sa mga lalaki? Bulate? May pa-early bird promo, early bird catches the worm?”

"And that's all I can remember." :)

After the movie, I went straight home. And BTW, I got sick the day after that. Pssshhh! :)

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Is it?

Is this a sign that I should just give you up? I am not stupid. I know it. I know what just happened. And hey, I was hurt. You can tell me to stop doing something if you do not like it. Here I am, patiently waiting. I am waiting even though you did not tell me to. It's my fault, I know! I keep my hopes up. And with that, I'll stop right here. From this moment on, you will hear nothing from me. And no, I don't feel "bitter". It's just how it is. I want to forget everything. So that when I face you, I can be that bright lady again.

This'll be my last post about you. Whether I keep my feelings or not, no one will know.

Tuesday, October 23, 2012


Can you tell me, how can one miss what she never had?How could I reminisce when there is no past?How could I have memories of being happy with you, boy?Can someone tell me how can this be?

How could my mind pull up incidentsRecall dates and times that never happened?How could we celebrate love that’s too lateAnd how could I really mean the words I’m about to say?

I miss the times that we almost sharedI miss the love that was almost thereI miss the times that we used to kissAt least in my dreams just let me take my time and reminisce

I miss the times that we never hadWhat happened to us, we were almost thereWhoever said it's impossible to missWhen you never had, never almost had you.
For you. 'Coz I never really had you, and yet, here I am......Waiting on my own. ------

Saturday, October 20, 2012

Hi Baby!

It's my facebook cover photo ---- TOP in the house y'all. :)
Got this photo from somewhere. He looks absolutely stunning in this photo so I decided to make it my cover photo, with a little text on the left side, "Hi Baby! *kiss mark!*" Hahahaha. I'm a fan of him, and his group BIG BANG. They are going to have their concert this October. Too bad, I do not have enough money to come and watch! Grrrr. I need xx,000 pesos! I do not have boyfie so I think it's okay if I post something like this! :)